Saturday, January 28, 2012


Not that Myth Buster! But my myth that I always seemed to believe.  I thought there really wasn't any way I could run except for the first thing in the morning and also before I ate anything.  Wrong! I was lazy this week and other than running for 2.5 miles on Monday, I haven't run at all.  Actually, I had only ran one day out of 9 days....not good! Here we are on Saturday and once again lazy in the morning. Fortunately there wasn't a lot of "running around" I had to do 3:30 I finally got up and did my run on the treadmill. I didn't have my glasses and couldn't clearly see the meter so I just used the song method again.  12 songs at my pace should add up to 2.6 miles.....amazingly it did. In the afternoon, shortly after eating and with the irregular schedule! I feel like I have accomplished, to tell myself to quit slacking off and hurry up and get to 3 miles!

What other myths can we disprove?


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