Thursday, August 9, 2012

What is Good on TV These Days?

Good Question! It doesn't seem like much from my stand point. For the last several years we have used our DVR to record and watch 90% of the shows we care about. We do that because I refuse to schedule my life around the television.  I don't care about watching it "live".  I can wait until I have time.  Most of the shows are on later and honestly half the time I fall asleep early.

This year I have had to constantly change the recording portion because many of our "new" favorites were not renewed.  That is a bummer! Just finally getting into the characters and the episodes and whammy! Oh well.  Others that have been a favorite ran their course and wrapped up their last episodes this year. That figures!

But right now, what is on TV? 80% of what I have to watch is some political commercial. Honestly, do you think I believe one thing either of them are saying on these "half truth infomercials"? Not, grow up and stop throwing around names and blames like kids in the school yard. Cannot wait until November is finally over so we can get rid of them. Bad part is you even get those same commercials on the Internet.....there is no escape!

How about the Olympics? I have never been a huge fan but it is certainly fun to watch and cheer on our country. However, these days there are more "twitter" type reports on the athletes than gold counts. How rude is it of the media to call out families that are filing for bankruptcy? Do I care about their personal business? It should be private. That is one side than the other side is what all the athletes are saying about one another or because they didn't win the gold how they act. Blah Blah Blah. Please don't take the fun out of it!

Maybe I should just read a good book.


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