Saturday, February 23, 2013

Bible technology

Ok so just to make sure everyone knows....I still use my regular old crinkled bible with pages nearly falling out, some blurred due to spillages of soft drink beverages near by and all the notes of varying colors with circles and arrows depicting each thought and idea throughout the bible. The same bible I received as a gift nearly 20+ years ago. I will never want to give up this New King James Version faded green leather friend. There are just too many notes and scribbles all over it.

This week I started using my new iPad to document and use while I was teaching class. It has a few advantages as I can make my notes and alter, edit, highlight, bold and add thoughts easily while in class. Not to mention preparing the lesson itself on the iPad instead of my laptop. Laptop was getting old and I needed an upgrade for all my typical morning social media communications......and blogging.....and whatever else. Now I can do it on the wonderful new toy.

But just let me assure you that I haven't abandoned my trusty old friend....the actual book in place of this cold mechanical technological sophisticated inspirational sometimes complicated iPad. As useful as the iPad seems to be....and I will certainly find out more as I continue to use just is no substitute for actual paper bible.

Who knows, all the scape pieces of paper that are stuck in my bible with various notes and thoughts of possible sermon outlines might get placed on the iPad quicker and become ACTUAL sermons instead for just sermons thoughts.......we will see.


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