Saturday, September 11, 2010

Anniversary of 9-11

This morning is the anniversary of our nation's tragic event.  I didn't know anyone that was directly affected but indirectly i believe we all were affected.  In some way all of our life's changed that very morning.  It is a pretty vivid image in my mind.  I had recently started a new business and was working out of the home at that time. The television was turned off because I wouldn't get any work don't if that was the case.  I cant remember who called but someone told me to turn on the news. I watched the events of that day unfold before my very eyes as so many people did that day.  I couldn't reach my wife on her cell phone as she was teaching flute at school and didn't pick up after numerous attempts. My young daughter was home with me that day and remembered that I must have been mad as I was yelling at the television. I was so upset she recounts.  I wasn't angry at that moment, just scared as I though about what could happen to the structures as they stood there ablaze. As an architect I had an idea that the temperature of the airline fuel on fire would be so hot that it would melt the structural steel and cause further chaos. I only thought the top of the buildings would topple over, never collapse on themselves.  I was yelling at the television to tell the people to get out of there quick, run away.....don't go in.  All of that didn't do any good from my sofa in Virginia Beach. Moments later it became worse. The day unfolded in horror.  Couldn't believe that we could be attacked on our own homeland.  This country has some pretty profound history of war and of battles that have taken place on our lands. From the British invasion to the bombing of Peril Harbor.  But this day, this infamous day, will never leave my memory.  I believe I will always remember that feeling of being scared, nervous, angry, worried but yet so helpless, because I could be there to help anyone.

Our nation has made a lot of mistakes along the way.  But the one thing I can say no matter what......I am proud to be an American.  Always!


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