Sunday, September 5, 2010

Sunday Morning

Sitting out on the patio Sunday morning with a cup of coffee and some fresh cut roses on the table from our garden is so wonderful.....a bit cool is morning so I put on a sweat shirt.  Last night OSU beat the pants off of Washington State sixty something to 17....very nice. I went to bed at 50 to 10.  Next week the steelers start their season.  Got to make football my own boys to help.

Today we need to do a little more work in the yard....some trimming and some back yard hefty work, but the front is mostly done with the exception of some weeding and some hedge clipping.

I believe that this type of peace is needed to keep calm in your life.  Without a bit of down time and quiet within yourself, you never have the chance to recharge.  Oh believe me, it isn't easy when you are young with kids.  Regaina and I had to really work at it to find our "time" together.  As we get older we can make some time but still very busy.  These mornings are something that I will never forget nor never wish that they will ever end.


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