Monday, October 24, 2011

Winter Mornings

I do not like Winter Mornings says Sam I am.  I do not like them in a coat, I do not like them with big boots.  I do not like cold mornings with feety pajamas, nor with a scarf and hat. I do not like cold mornings and that is that. Okay it isn't really winter yet...but I am in anticipation of them getting here.  My morning routine lately has been to wake up and my lovely wife brings me a cup of coffee in bed while I read the internet news, emails, facebook, linked in, blogger....etc.  You get the idea.  However, due to certain circumstances, I have been leaving the sacred confines of my warm cozy bed with the nice cover for coldy nights blankets all wrapped around my lap and have headed off to the living room.  Let me just say that it is less than appreciated in the morning.

FIRST REASON IT IS GOOD TO GET UP: Okay, I know that I will have to start getting up soon anyway so I can begin my running routine on the treadmill. Being cold weather, I will never again run outside until the sun yet brightens the day beyond 80 degrees in the early morning.....can you tell I don't like cold weather?....How did I ever survive those years in Pennsylvania? I need to do my exercise at 6:00 AM so I need to get up....I also cannot let my wife get too far ahead of me in training.  She is already running 5 miles a day.....Cold weather doesn't affect her.  She is invincible to the Mr. Frostbite...okay it is only 46 degrees right frostbite but I believe my kryptonite is cold.....therefore I must stay far away.

SECOND REASON IT IS GOOD TO GET UP: Okay, yes I know that the day has only so many hours in it and I can get so much accomplished if I would only get my butt out of bed....evcn if I have professing that the the time spent on the internet reading and writing should be considered "marketing".....well it could be! Lately, by the time I get moving around and cleaned up it is tough to make it to the office in time for the start of the day.....the others are mostly already there.....I am the boss....true....I don't have to be there at the start (thank you to a bunch of great office staff), but still there is a lot to do running the business.  I can also get my work done....which truthfully never does "get done" always goes on, meetings, social networking...on and on....but it would allow me to get out of the office sooner if I got there quicker....think what I could accomplish.

THIRD REASON IT IS GOOD TO GET UP: Hmmmm, I cannot think of a third reason....there isn't a third reason....none what so ever.  Exercise, and work are the only reasons.....why am I writing this then? Oh my goodness, I have just proved to myself that I should be in bed....typing this blog.....waiting for my wife to bring me the second cup of coffee. Even the dog, after waking me up has now fell back asleep in bed. Okay, I have convinced myself.....back to bed.....wait, it is 7:30 now....NOW I do HAVE to get up.....being a responsible person isn't really what it is cracked up to be.... HAVE A GREAT DAY FRIENDS, even if you are still in bed reading this blog....!

Alright my friends, I need you to write me if there are any other reasons I should get up and MOVE....let me hear it! Post it here in the blog comments.


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