Thursday, November 24, 2011

The Feathered Beast ..... Feast

The day has finally know the day....the day where we turn the corner for the beginning of the new year.....37 DAYS AHEAD of know the day where you are supposed to begin shopping for everyone else......and get in know the day where you begin the onslaught of family members visits.....and pull your hair know the day when the sacred family traditions kick much know the day when football starts to get really bowl games, NFL know the day when the refrigerator is so packed full that you cannot get one thing out of it without ten other things falling out at the same time......yeah, that day THANKSGIVING!

The day that you go through the routine of telling of what you are so thankful for.....instead of being thankful all year long. Yep, we did that at church last is always good to hear.  Actually there is way too much to be thankful for....God has been good.......(okay that was the serious part of the on to ridiculousness).

My wife and I have been working on running lately...okay so I have been working on running....she has actually been running. This year we made an agreement that we would run the Turkey Trot 5K in the morning....thinking that it was going to be like at was scheduled for 9:45AM...WHAT? That is way to late.....okay, we can still do it.....oh it was in the 40s this morning.....THAT IS TOO FREAKIN COLD.....nix that idea.....I will jump on the treadmill later.

One of the things we always do is have this massive meal.....and I mean massive. Food everywhere piled up on counters and tables and wherever it will fit until we can possible start the feeding frenzy.  A task that always takes place before the feast is going to the grocery store and buying all the things necessary to prepare for the festivities.  The first being the Aw aspiring featured beast.....the Turkey! It is the only food (for our family), no ham, no roast, just this BIG FAT BIRD! We have always had to get the biggest bird possible to feed everyone and still provide enough leftovers....Leftovers are always a must! Shopping is required early enough so that we can have a good selection. Cooking the bird isn't that bad now that we have a system....listen to me that my wife has the system! Several years back, my mother bought us a roaster.  We have used it ever since, turkey cooked perfect, moist, delicious and in 1/3 rd the time.....No waking up at 4 or 5AM to start the meal......there is plenty of time to go for a the way, my wife is currently running outside right now while I type away sitting in bed.......what a slacker I am!

The other part of our tradition is the Thompson Cranberry Salad.  A massive under taking each year to first buy the best of the red grapes no you cannot use green and seedless grapes really are not still need to cut in half by hand and if you can get real cranberries,whipping cream no you cannot use cool whip....not always easy depending on location and how the growing season has been. No substitutions in the formula either....yes I said is scientific marvel that is scrumptious for your mouth!  My mother-in-law once thought that it must be good for you since my family was diabetic...HA HA HA.....We are diabetic BECAUSE of the cranberry salad! But honestly, why live if you cannot have Thompson Cranberry Salad. It is just too good. You have to grind the cranberries the night before so you can drain them.  We have had to be creative over the years in figuring out how to GRIND the cranberries...after all, my mom has the only grinder left in the world!   Okay maybe not the only one.... My Uncle Gene wrote me on Facebook saying they had just grind the cranberries and set them to drain too.  That is awesome....oh yeah and by the way...if you want our famous recipe....cannot have it! The only way is if you marry into the family.  My daughters-in-law got the recipe once they were married! hopefully there hasnt been too many secrets given out here!

So funny, My son called me from Colorado last night 11:00 saying that they may have made a mistake....there was A LOT of cranberries...yep! We always make A LOT! They were taking it for a family event with my daughter-in-laws family.  Very cool.

Then we have the rest of the meal which is pretty much always the same.  No deviations.....this meal is not for the imaginative....just do it! Dressing, corn, mash potatoes (real potatoes) and everything else.....only time by the way that we make gravy.....just because we are supposed to! And then finally sitting down with family at the (crammed in at all corners to get a piece of) table, the blessing and then the passing of the food....around and around the turkey and dressing and potatoes and corn and green beans and and and takes 15 -20 minutes (maybe a slight exaggeration) to pass all the food an get some on your the way....setting the table with enough plates, hot pads.....and whatever takes some major coordination in itself!

Such a good meal....don't clean it up...leave it there for a while because I will be back to snack on the turkey....some potatoes and of course some Cranberry salad.......yes there are pies and eat and eat......THEN.....Turn on some football!  The kids, when they were younger, always wanted me to go out and play ball in the yard.....are you kidding...I cannot even move.....I am stuffed more than that turkey was 30 minutes ago!  No, sorry we finish off the inaugural celebration of tradition by dad doing what he does best....succumb to the curse of the THANKSGIVING TURKEY.....falling asleep on the sofa watching football........!

That my an awesome Thanksgiving! Be thankful, be safe, enjoy family and have some merry times.  Beware.....around the corner lurks....BLACK FRIDAY!


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