Friday, July 6, 2012

Just another Day in the Life and Times of Walter Mitty

How does the clock spin on your days? Is it just another day of the same ol' thing? Or is each day a grand new adventure? Which is better, Adventures or Simplicity of Repetition?

That is the question of the day. It seems like there are many days where I wake up and am ready to take on the world.  Ready for it's challenges. Ready to conquer whatever tasks lay in front of me.  Then there are the other days that I would rather just sit in bed and play Sim City.  Who cares about what is going on out there.....I would prefer to hide out and ignore the surroundings.

Do you remember the movie some years back with Danny Kay, the Secrete Life of Walter Mitty? I loved that story.  Walter Mitty was just an ordinary gentleman with an ordinary life but had an amazing imagination.  His life became an adventure each day as he imagined himself in the most fantastical environments and occupations. He chose not to make his days repetitious.

I feel I do have a HUGE imagination but not sure I can transport myself into another world of fantasy. Maybe that's what happens when you get older...a little less "Naive Optimism" and a little more "Stagnate Realization". That sounds horrible. But the truth....or at least maybe just the way I am feeling at times. When I was younger I felt, and believed, I could conquer the world. Anything I chose to do and feel were attainable.  It was just a matter of time before it came to fruition. Then as time passed and the world showed it's ugly side to me, I became a bit more negative. The world beat up on my ideas and the clock kept spinning without any of the dreams becoming a reality. The world doesn't want dreams...but results.

This type of thinking is just downright disturbing. Disturbing that we let our minds think that we cannot accomplish our dreams. That the world will squish or lives and force ourselves to endure an endless cycle of repetitious days without adventure, without fantasy, without dreams. Why would we chose to let the world win? Why would we chose to give up and relinquish our desires? These were the thoughts of our youth that inspired our imagination. Don't give up on the positive thoughts....don't give up on the imagination....Keep on believing in yourself and dream Walter Mitty....DREAM!


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