Monday, January 5, 2015

Giving Blood

I always give the doctor's office, at the endocrinologist's office and every morning when I have to poke my finger. Pretty used to it now and it isn't a big deal. The worst ever is when the doctor wants me to fast to do all my tests. Okay that part isn't so bad.....the bad part is when they can't get me in until 10:20 AM.

Okay so that might not sound so bad to some of you but try that if you are a diabetic. First I hate wasting my morning waiting around.....too much of a "got to do it" kinda person. Secondly, why would a doctor's office ever consider such a thing? Yes, I'm hungry but I can deal with that better than the wasted time. However it is 8:10 and I just took my blood sugar and it was 67.... Expect it to drop further in the next two hours.

Actually this has gotten worse/better recently with my new meds. My morning numbers are better than ever.....great news! No running this morning for fear it will drop further.

Watch your numbers my friends.

ETS This I Believe
Eugene Thompson

Run Eugene Run


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