Tuesday, September 6, 2016

MARVELous Morning Routine

What is your schedule like in the morning? How about during the day? When do you find enough time?These are the questions I often hear. I have had so many people ask how I am able to accomplish so much every day. So I thought I would share what I do everyday and how I start off my morning. This is just MY methods. You should develop or figure what works best in your life. It's important that you utilize a plan that means something to you. Modify and adapt something will be relevant to your beliefs. MARVELous Morning is mine.

So yes, it has a lot of similar characteristics to Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod. If you haven't read his book, well...What are you waiting for?! A piece of his plan is part of what I do. I read my affirmations to myself. Sometimes there are multiple thoughts or affirmative actions. I don't always read them all everyday. I also get up early every morning. I like to get up at 5:00 AM but that doesn't always happen. I lose time if it slips too late, but it is my early morning routine.

So why Marvelous? Well Hal already has his.....since this is me and for ME ALONE......it's marvelous! Also because of MARVEL comics. I want to be a superhero and if I do this on a continuing and regular basis.....I'll become MARVELous too...every morning. Now that's settled.....we will move on.

I'm old school so I like writing my lists. All my morning work is on my iPad. It's easy to keep with me when traveling and has all my quick notes, readings, bible thoughts, agendas, friends, etc. I use my Penultimate app which ties back to my Evernote Account. My MARVELous Morning List is copied from day to day so I don't have to re-write everything everyday. Just the check in the box and my assessment/progress. And no.....I don't make it to 100% everyday......or often.....or regular......or maybe even EVER. Maybe a weekend day I've been able to accomplish every item, but then again those days are less full.

Use whatever programs work well for you. I try to keep mine simple. These tools link together and allow me to track my progress. Tracking is my way of holding myself accountable. If you don't know where you came from how can you know how far you've come?

I use the 5 minute journal app. It allows me to add visual motivation and plan for the day's short agenda....its just a big picture....not a task list. It also allows me to write a quick motivator or how I'm feeling that morning. Even the opportunity to provide an affirmation for some big I'm going to accomplish. My gratitude reward at the end of the day sends me back to this app to plug in my accomplishments. It's important to recognize your own successes.....even if they are small. One small step at a time.

I use the YouVersion bible app. Gives devotionals that is backed up by reading scripture. My faith puts me in the scripture DAILY. This is important to me. The app allows me to pick images of my own and place scripture on them. A daily visual motivation with scripture allows me to continually focus on good things. I also add these images on our church's Facebook page. It's quick and simple and allows me to encourage others while serving.

I once was a terrible reader. I'm still not the best but I work at it. I have a stack of books from business related to fun related. It's important to get a mix of both. EO has a blog post from various members. I try to read them often. If not, I'll switch to Kindle to read a chapter or so in the morning. This is short readings at this time of the day. If I'm reading something that I'd prefer to take a lot of notes on then I'll find another more opportune time to do such. Also, early in the morning it's still pretty dark. I can't read a hardcover book. I save those for sitting at my desk or even traveling. Kindle is nice when you travel because you can flip through several different books and carry them on your iPhone or iPad.....everywhere. If I find myself stuck in a waiting room or for a plane, I can pop open Kindle and pick up where I left off.

Currently I'm using blogger to post my stories, thoughts and other bits of data that are bigger than a social media post. There are some limitations with the iPad app when it comes to editing. However getting the thoughts down quickly works well. I come back to it later on the computer for final review. I have three blogs I am currently writing for. That is my most challenging effort.....finding time to imput my own original content.

I use my notes a lot. Wherever I am and I run across something I'll jot it down here. My devices sync so I can coordinate my thoughts in other areas. By doing this I'm able to capture great ideas and keep from loosing them. My memory isn't what it used to be.....but my note taking skills are excellent. I use this app also for my Mental Workout. This piece was take from Dr. Jason Selk who wrote Executive Toughness. Breathing - Identification or Affirmations - Visualization. I have a quick list that I can change add or modify without much effort. This same list I return to each day.
For tracking my exercise.....other than at Unify.... I use the RunKeeper app to log my miles. It ties in with the Heath and Human apps where I can track my weight and blood sugar. All things that are critical to me when fighting diabetes. Again it's good to know where you have come from to understand where you are.

I don't often just listen to music (except when I'm running) especially in the car. A thirty minute drive to work allows me to catch a short podcast. A drive to my Richmond office which is two hours away, gets me three or four podcasts. I keep track of them and organize my next one using the Podcast app. Currently I'm way behind.

The rest of the MARVELous Morning Routine relates toward performed in the office. Regular tasks that help me focus on the organization and growth of the company. It doesn't log my specific tasks as I use my Calendar and Reminders for those. Each reminder gives me detailed scope, deadlines and timeframes to complete. Each have categories for work, personal and play.

Speaking of PLAY. We really never watched live television. Too many commercials that wasted my time. Why would I sit around waiting for them.....I watch tv on MY time. We used to have DISH. Everything was on the DVR. Now we watch more Netflix. (We decided to save the $130 a month on DISH and use the money elsewhere.) We have been hitting the recorded seasons lately which again.....its on my time.

That's my planning process and how I'm able to accomplish as much as I do. I continually work on being more efficient with my schedule and my time. There are so many things that I want to do, try, see etc. that I must be better organized. Management of my time helps me be a better person to others in my life. Hopefully I'll be able to continue sharing with them to help them reach their dreams too.

ET This I Believe
Eugene Thompson


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