Wednesday, July 1, 2015

Push the RESET Button

So we find ourselves at the half way point in have you done on your goals? Yeah, me too.....not as good as I hoped. That honey-do list.....I don't want to talk about it. But that's okay, don't get all stressed out about what you didn't get accomplished. It won't do you any good. Just hit the reset button and get back out there and start again.

So many things I wanted to better at than I have. If I really worry about it I can get all worked up about wasting the last afternoon, the last week, the entire month of June......or WOW! What have I done all year?! I am really depressing myself. STOP IT!

I enact the power of the RESET BUTTON. I vow to start over and give myself the opportunity to succeed with the burden of what I didn't accomplish as baggage. That regret will weigh you down and never give you the opportunity to get a fresh start. It will steal today's JOY.

Today's a brand new day my friends......your future is before you.

I'll celebrate with you at the finish line. Have an awesome day.

ET This I Believe
Eugene Thompson

Run Eugene Run


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