Sunday, January 15, 2012

The Battlefield: Right Flank

Part 3 of this series is about another struggle I face when it comes to health.  My first struggle is posted, here. The second is here,

Really, why is it so difficult to be HEALTHY. Remember when you were young you could eat whatever you wanted, sleep as little as you wanted, there never was really a time that you had to exercise....everything you did was exercise! Now we have to get a gym membership, schedule a time to work out, count calories, buy certain foods from a club, and on and on.  The industry is really making a killing on our inability to BE HEALTHY.  Or should I say our guilt and desire to be healthy.

Don't get me wrong, I would love to be the poster boy for fitness and health.  Unfortunately for me I am no longer a boy...but a middle age man with no hair (on my head at least ....sorry TMI), potbelly, creaky knees and back, and yes out of shape as well as being a diabetic. So, what do we have challenges with....okay what do I, me personally have struggles with? Lots of things.  Today though the second battlefield is diet. Yes, diet! Have you seen the number of different diet plans that are out there?  I just read an article on that ranked the top 12 diet plans......REALLY? Come on now, that is way too many.

Again, remember when we were kids and nothing mattered. These days we need to watch what we eat.....or we blow up like a balloon.  Really? What is the come when we were younger a piece of cherry pie maybe added a pound or two.....Now, when we eat it...suddenly we gain 10 pounds...Not fair! And I love cherry pie! (Do not associate that statement with the song by Warrant).

Here is my problem.....I like food.  I like bread...with lots of butter....sure I like sweets but I can stay away from most of them. I like to eat, it is a simple as that. For breakfast I eat (almost everyday) a breakfast bar and a banana. And for lunch, one of the freezer meals....if anything at all because I am working all the time and forget (like yesterday).  So yes, dinner is modest and yes a few snacks.  If you eat like that all the time you would imagine that the weight would fall off.....forget about the need for exercise.  NOPE! The scales in the bathroom stay the same.....okay down a few pounds up a few pounds down a few pounds and then back up a few pounds.

Honestly, just give me the toothpaste tube full of pork chops and call it a day......
Enjoy your breakfast my friends....I am eating a granola bar!


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